The words we speak to ourselves can either encourage or destroy our sense of wellbeing. I know from my experience how hurtful our words can be. When I analyzed the distorted image of my face I saw in the mirror, compounded by my abuser’s voice of hurtful words, I wanted to crawl into a hiding place.

In time physical and mental healing, with counseling, I put into practice one kind word or phrase as my mantra for the day. This was and is how I speak to my situations, no matter the circumstance. (doctor’s report, court, finances)

When I relied on my faith, knowing “who I belonged to” and “who created me,” I used this knowledge to cancel my abuser’s taunts. Eventually, I refused to accept the negative words that creeped into my mind by keeping my Creator in mind.

The importance of words we say to ourselves or others can destroy or encourage. This month I am sharing with you the words a client revealed that helped her move forward. In “Her Own Words,” please see how she used these words in her healing process.

I developed the Journal prompt from our conversation. I hope it will help you reflect and decide your next steps as we move into the new year.