On the Horizon


Imparting Self Care Ideas

On a monthly basis, you will find a story that encourages you to think differently about your life. This month we focus on changing your attitude.


Time. This is a daily thought for me. Is there enough time for me to meet my goals, organize, and write? First things first, I wake up, ponder for a moment as I wash my face and brush my teeth. I put on my running clothes, and tie my sneakers, pull my hair into a cap, and put on my headset then head outdoors. Because I do this almost every morning, I’ve noticed the change of the season. The air is chiller, leaves that were green weeks ago, have turned to orange, red or yellow and lay beneath my feet. I reminded that soon the clocks will fall back, and it will get darker earlier. While I might hate to lose the time to darker afternoons, I reflect on what does it mean for me and will I fall back into unhealthy habits.

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Future Blog Topics about Mindset Change

How can you support yourself care regiment this month? i.e.
  • Read a book,
  • Play in the snow
  • Tap into your childhood like wonderment
  • Watch a good movie if you have access to (Apple, Hulu, Netflix, Roku)
  • Draft a short story
  • Practice baking bread
  • Recognize your headspace
  • Write a letter (Art of Letter writing)


Planning Your Reality List
  • Court appointments
  • Medical care
  • Social Service Agencies
  • Faith based connection
Wish List
  • Things will be different when I….
  • In a couple of weeks, months…..
Holiday Winter Blues
  • Anticipation planning
  • Reach out to a friend and share some cheer
Start a Good Habit Campaign.
  • Take inventory of what is one good habit you could develop
  • Something you always wanted to do
Take a Bold Step
  • Step out of your comfort zone
  • Here is how to ….
Why Is Quiet Time Important?
Let’s focus.

Recent Blogs


This is a daily thought for me. Is there enough time for me to meet my goals, organize, and write? First things first, I wake up, ponder for a moment as I wash my face and brush my teeth. I put on my running clothes, and tie my sneakers, pull my hair into a cap, and put on my headset then head outdoors. Because I do this almost every morning, I’ve noticed the change of the season. The air is chiller, leaves that were green weeks ago, have turned to orange, red or yellow and lay beneath my feet. I reminded that soon the clocks will fall back, and it will get darker earlier. While I might hate to lose the time to darker afternoons, I reflect on what does it mean for me and will I fall back into unhealthy habits.

An Attitude Change

By the time the coffee is ready, our toaster has done its thing. I grab the creamer, butter, and fruit from the fridge. Eating and reading text messages on my phone another day is in full swing.  Mid-week traffic is the same bumper to bumper. Why do the construction...